Vernacularized Perspective and Sense of "Space" in the Visual Imagery in Early Modern Japan

最終日の20日は、午前10:30からサン・パウロ美術館で「日本美術を読む:空間、人物及びメディエーション」という講演会。岡野道子さん(サンパウロ連邦大学)とマダレーナ・橋本・コルダロさん(サン・パウロ州立大学)と一緒に講演をします。僕の講演は日本における遠近法の受容の話で、タイトルは"Vernacularized Perspective and Sense of "Space" in the Visual Imagery in Early Modern Japan"としました(またヴァナキュラーかいな)。これも日本語でOK。通訳付き。


It can roughly be said that there had been no sense of “space” ―the rational, Cartesian “space” in the post-Renaissance Western context-- in premodern Japanese visual representations. The Japanese ways to translate the three-dimensional world onto the two-dimensional surface can rather be called the isometric or cartographic recognition of the world. Nevertheless, when the Western linear perspective was introduced in the mid-eighteenth century, the technique immediately prevailed especially in the popular imagery as a novel visual device. The perspective was soon vernacularized and produced a unique sense of “space” in Japanese visual representations. In this lecture, I would like to overview the reception of the linear perspective in premodern Japan and the influences they gave in turn to the Western visual culture.
